Horsemanship Programs
This is a hands-on introductory program for children and adults wanting to learn about and spend time with horses. A desire to ride is not required!
Students will learn a range of skills and knowledge to confidently and safely lead, groom, handle and feed horses. Students will gain an understanding of how horses learn, horse behavior and their basic husbandry needs. This course does not contain a riding element, however it’s a perfect introduction for anyone who may wish to learn to ride.
This course will suit:
Anyone who wants to learn about and spend time with horses
First-time horse owners
Parents of first-time horse owners
Anyone wanting to own a horse in the future
Animal Studies, Equine Studies & Vet students who want hands-on knowledge of horses to compliment their studies
Parents of horse-mad children. Share their passion & talk the language!
What you get:
Fully supervised lessons with experienced and knowledgeable staff at a purpose-built equestrian facility
Confidence building hands-on time with horses in each lesson
New skills, knowledge and confidence
New friends (2 and 4 legged variety!)
The invaluable and well documented benefits of spending time with horses
90 minute lessons onsite, once per week for 6 consecutive weeks (Saturdays)
Term 2, 2025
Saturday 3rd May - Saturday 7th June inc.
Enrolments close 16th April
If you’re unable to commit to 6 consecutive weeks we can deliver the program on a casual basis. Let us know and we’ll see if we can customise to your availability and needs!
What can we learn from horses?
How to be a good listener
How to play nice with others
How to set boundaries and respect the boundaries of others
How to overcome fear
How to trust
How to be a good leader
The value of a hard day's work
What you are really feeling
The benefit of spending time with horses is well documented and applies to children and adults alike. The use of horses as part of a therapy program is commonly called Equine Assisted Learning/Therapy or Equine Facilitated Learning.
Tandivale can customise unmounted lessons for community and support groups as a once-off or regular booking. Even if it's not intended to be Therapy in a formal sense, spending time learning about horses is great therapy!
We can work with the following groups to create an interesting and fun experience:
Homeschool families and community groups
Facilitators for workplace Team Building activities
Mental health support specialists
Support workers
Social groups
Youth workers
Additionally, we can offer private 'general horsemanship' or groundwork lessons that can be booked on a casual basis. This would suit people (children and adults) who are unable or not interested in riding, but still wish to spend time with horses. You will learn about the nature of horses, how they think and learn, understand their body language, groom, and generally enjoy the calming experience of spending time with these generous creatures.